The problem of increasing utility tariffs worries every citizen and village. Electricity becomes more expensive, as the storage of resources used to convert heat energy into electricity begins to run out on our planet. Prices are getting higher every year, and their consumption continues to increase. Therefore, the next question arises, how and why you need to save electricity in your house, apartment or summer cottage. In this article, we will try to answer these questions.
Why electricity becomes more expensive

The first reason, as mentioned above, is because the Earth's resources such as coal, oil and natural gas are almost depleted. The second reason is environmental problems. During the burning of the same coal, harmful elements are emitted into the atmosphere in large quantities. Environmental problems are beginning to plague scientists, so in many countries they are beginning to switch to environmentally friendly types of electricity, such as nuclear, wind and water. However, this is expensive during construction, and dangerous if all safety measures are not complied with.
It should also be noted that the consumption of electricity in cities and towns is increasing every day, because in our modern life, household appliances and other technical equipment require a large amount of electricity. And as tariffs continue to rise, prices are sometimes quite large. Of course, there are many ways to save money.
Economic conditions, inflation and tax increases also play a big role. Next, we will consider the options of why you need to save electricity.
Why electricity savings are important
As already mentioned, most people have relatively limited budgets, so energy savings are often a priority, especially in winter. Also, such savings will lead to a decrease in the use of natural resources, and, thus, the release of hazardous substances into the atmosphere will be reduced.

To give a rough idea of how this manifests itself, here is an example. The main source used for energy generation is coal. Generate 100 watts of power using about 50 kilograms of coal. Thus, saving hundreds of watts of electricity, you save resources and thus do not harm the environment.
The same can be said for other types of resources. So, for example, when generating 100 W of electricity, an average of 30 liters of oil is used up, and the same amount of natural gas. That is, by saving electricity in your home, you are doing better not only for yourself, but also for the whole country.
How to save money
Statistics show that the amount of primary energy is spent to light a house, as no home can do without an electric light. Some rooms may have a dozen of them. It is very easy to calculate its own use. For example, in the living room there is a chandelier with four colors. On average, 80-100 W bulbs are used, which is about 400 W of electricity used per hour. Since the light in the room often does not light up all day, its use, at first glance, is not very good. Still, the neat amount comes out a month, and that’s just for coverage. Therefore, as an option to save energy, "household" lights (fluorescent and LED) are used. They reduce electricity consumption by three times, or even more. They pay in full, as their lifespan is measured in a few years, from about five to ten years.
Also, do not forget about saving the light as a whole, because sometimes people forget to turn it off, and it stays on all night or all day. Alternatively, it is recommended to use the natural light of the Sun during the day, and turn on the lighting in the evening. Do not forget to wash the hanging lamps, windows and use bright colored wallpaper on the walls. This creates a brighter room feel and eliminates the need for additional lighting.
Next, after lighting in terms of electricity consumption, heating follows, but you can switch to independent. You can not forget the insulation of your house, no matter whether you live in an apartment or in a private house. This plays a big role because the heat will not leave your home and you will not turn on the heater as usual. Install metal-plastic windows, as the woods are warm, but eventually they dry up and begin to let the wind out of the street and emit heat out of the house. All of this requires huge expenses, but it is better to invest once and not worry about unnecessary expenses than to spend a lot of money on heating and lighting each month.

The next wiring in the list. Most homes still have old wiring. It works, but during operation runs out, and the insulation is able to send electrical impulses outward. This causes a loss of electricity, as well as a lack of voltage in the network. Unnecessary sockets, tees and connection cables should be removed, as they increase the resistance in the circuit and its use is greater. Excess equipment sooner or later can cause short circuits.
Devices that are connected to the network, but are not turned on, while in sleep mode, still use electricity. The cost is insignificant, but in the long run, expenses can bite. If you are not currently using the device or equipment, we advise you to disconnect the device from the network to save energy. Attention should be paid especially to devices that use a lot of energy. Among them are electric stoves, boilers, food processors and more. It is better not to use it at full capacity unnecessarily. The same goes for almost all electrical appliances. For example: the refrigerator should not be placed next to the heater, as it will not die and will always be cold.
Rich people install systems and devices that regulate their own electricity consumption at home. Although they do not have the question of why save energy. This is a very expensive piece of equipment and not everyone can afford it. Therefore, try to save electricity in all the ways listed above.
So, in a nutshell, we can see that it is necessary and useful to save electricity at home. This gives you the opportunity not only to save your funds, but also to protect the environment itself.
Hopefully this article gives you an idea of why you need to save energy. Be careful and cautious when choosing a method to save money.